Surviving Critical Incidents: Best Practices for Staying Safe and Prepared

Our Services

  • Workplace Violence Management

    In today’s day and age workplace violence is more prevalent than ever. Is your company best prepared for when a major incident occurs? Whether it be de-escalation, escape and evade, or armed intervention, let our team build a custom plan for your business to provide your employees the tools to survive.

  • Active Threat Planning

    “Active Shooter” has become a term all too familiar. Mindset and preparation remain the most important aspect of defending against these threats. Our expert instructors will create a unified response so that your employees know what do in this life-or-death situation.

  • Business Security Consulting

    As a business, the safety and security of your employes and customers and critical infrastructure are paramount. Have one of our expert SendMe representatives on site for a consultation. Our experts will evaluate vulnerable areas such as outside and inside security, asset protection, employee safety and other threats to help prepare your company for the worst while encouraging a mindset of preparedness among your whole team.

  • Active Threat Scenario Training

    The closest thing to “real world” you can get. Our SendMe experts test your company’s preparedness by running live scenarios for your company. We tailor the scenario to your business while allowing your staff members to work through scenarios like gaining unauthorized access, domestic disputes carrying over at work, and active threats.

  • First Aid/Medical Training

    The immediate seconds and minutes after a critical incident can make the difference in recovery and tragedy. Trauma kits are becoming more common, however there is many who lack the necessary skills to use these lifesaving tools. Let our expert instructors help you navigate learning these common medical supplies so that you and your team know how to stop bleeds, treat common traumatic injuries and begin the life saving process before fist responders can arrive.

  • Advanced Business Subscription

    A yearly subscription to include everything we offer. Your company gets all the benefits of our management, planning and consultation as well as a yearly scenario and range team builder put on by our expert instructors.

  • Firearms Training

    A working knowledge of the fundamentals of marksmanship forms the basis of any armed response to a threat. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced shooter, we can offer a fresh take on the modern techniques of shooting defensively with various platforms to include duty pistols, concealed carry, and tactical rifle platforms.

  • Residential Critical Incident Planning

    Your home is your castle. How prepared are you to defend it from a variety of threats? There are many aspects of home defense that must be considered, and every home is unique. We can offer in-home consultations for the whole family to evaluate your options, vulnerabilities, and develop a plan to respond to any critical incident.